Understanding PIS/PASEP and COFINS for Reversed and Voided Transactions

To cancel a sales order after generating the nota fiscal but before printing it, you must reverse the nota fiscal by using a version of the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal program (R76559B) that is set up for reversing not-printed notas fiscais. Version XJDE0001 exists for reversing not-printed notas fiscais. When you use version XJDE0001 or a copy of it, the system deletes the records that are associated with the notas fiscais which you reversed from the nota fiscal tables.

When you use version XJDE0001 of the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal program to reverse a transaction, the system deletes the tax records for PIS/PASEP and COFINS information from the F76B011 table.

To cancel a sales order after printing it but before running the Update Sales - Brazil program (R76B803), you must reverse the nota fiscal by using a version of the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal program that is set up for reversing printed notas fiscais. Version XJDE0002 exists for reversing printed notas fiscais. When you use version XJDE0002 or a copy of it, the system retains the records that are associated with the notas fiscais which you reverse in the nota fiscal tables. You must retain these records for fiscal book reporting.

When you use version XJDE0002 of the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal program to reverse a transaction, the system processes PIS/PASEP and COFINS records in this order:

  1. Retrieves the tax information from the original nota fiscal from the F76B011 table.

  2. Changes the processed code from not processed (0), to processed (1).

    The system does not process these records when you run the PIS COFINS Netting Process program.

See Setting Up Supplier Withholding for Brazil.