Understanding PIS/PASEP and COFINS for Ship-To Sales Returns

You process ship-to sales returns when a customer returns merchandise to you after the client processes the receipt of the merchandise. The customer sends a sales return nota fiscal for the inbound transaction.

When you create a credit memo for a Ship-To sales return, the system:

  1. Retrieves the tax information from the original, outbound nota fiscal from the F76B011 table.

    The system does not calculate PIS/PASEP or COFINS taxes based on the credit order.

  2. Writes records to the F76B011 table to reverse the tax information from the original nota fiscal.

    The new records contain the nota fiscal number from the sales return nota fiscal that the customer sent to you and are marked in the table as "not processed". The amount that the system writes is based on the original tax amount.

  3. Marks the records as processed when you run the PIS COFINS Netting Process program (R76B9011).