Understanding Receipt Reversals for Notas Fiscais with Applied Landed Costs

When you reverse a receipt associated to a nota fiscal with landed costs applied, the system retrieves and reverses the landed costs lines that match the document type and line types for freight, insurance and expenses in the processing options for the Nota Fiscal Maintenance for Brazil program (P7610B). All other lines are reversed according to the default document type for your system.

Use the processing options of the Purchase Receipt Inquiry program (P76B4321) to specify a version of Nota Fiscal Maintenance that enables you to retrieve the landed costs lines based on a different document type.

If the reversed line matches any of the line types in the processing options, then the ledger records are reversed using the document type specified in the processing option. If you do not specify a document type in the processing options, the reversal takes the information from the default document type.

Important: The line type for freight, insurance and expenses must differ from the other lines in the purchase receipt being reversed.