Understanding Receipts for Brazilian Procurement

You must enter receipt information to verify the receipt of goods or services on a purchase order. You must verify the quantity, cost, and so on, for each order that you receive. If you make an error or need to cancel receipts, you can enter reversing receipts.

To enter a receipt, you must first locate the open purchase order detail lines that correspond to the receipt. An open detail line contains items that have not yet been received. The system retrieves all open detail lines for the item number, purchase order number, or account number that you specify.

If the detail lines on a purchase order differ from the details of the actual receipt, you must adjust the purchase order detail lines to reflect the receipt. For example, if the order quantity on a detail line is 20 but you receive a quantity of 10, you must change the quantity on the detail line to 10. You specify whether to close the remaining balance on the line or to keep it open.

After you enter receipts for purchase orders and record the inbound nota fiscal that you receive from the supplier, you can review the documents online to verify that the information correlates with the document. If some data is incorrect, you can make changes online. You can review notas fiscais by order number or by nota fiscal number.

The receipt process for Brazil also lets you enter corrections to the nota fiscal and send a request for a corrected nota fiscal to the supplier. You can perform this procedure either when entering receipts for procurement or by accessing the Nota Fiscal Check & Close program (P76B900). When you enter corrections, you can review the differences between the values that are calculated by the system and the values that are provided by the supplier for ICMS tax, IPI tax, ICMS Substitution tax, freight, and discounts. If a discrepancy exists, you can generate a letter requesting a corrected nota fiscal from the supplier

When you set up receipt routing for Brazil, you must enable payment processing as the first step of the route.