Understanding Tax Calculations for IR

The system calculates IRPJ and IRPF differently. Use the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program (R76B4310) or the Create Payment Groups program (R04570) to perform the calculations for IRPJ. When you run the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program to calculate IR for corporate entities, the program compares the withholding amount to the specified minimum withholding amount for IR that you set up in a processing option. If the withholding is less than or equal to the specified minimum amount, the system does not generate the IRPJ withholding and if the withholding is greater than the specified minimum amount, the system generates withholdings in the F0411 or F76B0411 tables.

Use the Create Payment Groups program to perform the calculations for IRPF.

The system calculates the IR withholdings for all the suppliers. When you set up tax codes for suppliers, set up different codes for IRPJ and IRPF so that you can associate the correct type of IR tax to each supplier.