Understanding the Execution Process

You run the jobs that you set up from the SPED Job Revision form in the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program. When you run a job, the system completes these tasks for each block in the job:

  1. Reads the job information that is stored in the SPED Jobs table (F76B940) for the block.

    The system stores information in the F76B940 table when you set up the jobs.

  2. Reads the periods to process from the SPED Job Batches table (F76B944) and generates the registers for each period.

    You can view the most significant details for the completed job in the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940). The system assigns the same job number to all of the UBEs for all of the blocks selected.

  3. Populates the SPED Job Output Detail table (F76B943) with the information for the block, period, and registers.

    The F76B943 table also includes the text string for the flat file.

  4. Uses a status code to indicate whether the records are queued for processing.

    Status codes are: P (in process), D (done), and E (error). These status codes appear in the SPED Job Detail Blocks-UBE table (F76B942) for each UBE in the job that you run. You can view the statuses on the SPED Job Revision form in the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program.

    A status code of D (done) appears in the SPED Job Header Blocks table (F76B941) when all of the UBEs in the job have run without error. You can view the status for a job on the SPED Job Inquiry form in the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program.

The system includes all records for a job number in the flat file.

Note: The system assigns the batch number to the records when you run the Block 9 Generation program (R76B846), so this field is not populated until you run that program. The Block 9 Generation program also writes the text strings to the Text Processor Header table (F007101) and Text Process Detail Table (F007111). You use the batch number to locate the records that the system writes to the text file processor tables, and use the Text File Processor program (P007101) to copy the text files to the media that you use to submit the files to the government.

You must run each block in a job separately. Generally, you will review the output for one block before processing the next block because data from a block with a higher sequence is used for processing data in a subsequent block. The system generates a batch for each job. If you run a job that includes four periods, the system generates one batch including the four periods.