Understanding the Minimum Withholding Amount Program

You use the Minimum Withholding Amount program (P76B210) to enter the minimum amount to withhold for INSS and IR tax types. You set up the minimum amount by tax type and effective date. You use this program to enter minimum amounts only for tax types 01 for IR and 03 for INSS. If you enter any other tax type in this program, the system displays an error. The system stores the minimum amount details in the Withholding Minimum Amount Setup table (F76B210).

When the system calculates the final withholding amount, the Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B) compares these amounts with the minimum amounts for IR and INSS stored in the F76B210 table. If the amount calculated is greater than the specified minimum, the system proceeds to generate the withholding, but if the amount calculated is less or equal than the specified minimum, the system does not create the withholding.

Note: You set up a minimum basis amount for the sale of services for withholdings for PIS, COFINS, and CSLL in the Minimum Monthly Basis Amount to withhold program (P76B422).Setting Up Minimum Amounts for Withholding for the Sale of Services