Understanding the NF-e Info Generation by Lot UBE (R76B561L)

Based on information in the Selected NFe by Lot - BRA table (F76B561), the system runs the NF-e Info Generation by Lot UBE (R76B561L). The system runs the NF-e Info Generation by Lot UBE to extract all the NFe related data. This data is used to generate the legal XML file that is sent to SEFAZ.

The following templates use the extracted XML information:

  • NF-e XML template

  • NF-e Info Generation Errors template

  • DANFe template

  • DPEC/EPEC XML template

The NF-e Info Generation UBE uses information from the following tables:

  • NF-e Header (F76B01TE)

  • NF-e Status Log (F76B12TE)

  • Sales Order Detail Tag File - Brazil (F76422)

  • Sales Order Detail (F4211)

  • Nota Fiscal Header (F7601B)

  • Nota Fiscal Detail (F7611B)

  • Address by Date (F0116)

  • Address Book Master (F0101)

  • (Release 9.2 Update) NFe Mailing Address Details Table (F76011BR)

  • Supplemental Data (F00092)

  • NF Header PIS/COFINS Tag File (F76B030)

  • NF Header Tag File (F76B1001)

  • Import Declarations (F76B016)

  • Import Declaration Tag File (F76B033)