Understanding the Set Up of Email Recipients by Nota Fiscal (Release 9.2 Update)

The Email Recipients by Nota Fiscal (P76B1030) program enables the system to display the address numbers related to the nota fiscal that are eligible to receive an email.

The system automatically retrieves the related address numbers as follows:

  • The address numbers related to the nota fiscal Ship To (SHAN), Sold To (AN8), and Carrier number (ANCR) are retrieved from the Nota Fiscal header table (F7601B).

  • The address numbers of the authorized persons related to the nota fiscal are retrieved from the Authorized Persons by Nota Fiscal table (F76B1020).

Note: The address numbers that are retrieved from F76B1020 and F7601B table cannot be deleted.

Additionally, you can add specific address numbers or delete a specific address number from the recipient list.

The following table is an example of the various conditions to send the DANFe and xml attachments:

When the Processing Option value for R76B525 is set to...

And the value for P76B1030 is set to...




No email attachment is sent.



Only XML is sent as an attachment.



Only DANFe is sent as an attachment.



Both xml and DANFe are sent as attachments.