Understanding the Taxes Netting Process Program

You run the Taxes Netting Process program to update general ledger accounts with PIS/PASEP and COFINS tax amounts after you update sales, and before you run the Nota Fiscal Conversion program (R76B200A).

You can run the Taxes Netting Process program in either proof or final mode. When you run the program in proof mode, you can review the report that the system produces to determine whether any errors exist. The report includes:

  • Date range for the processed records.

  • Whether the report is for the proof or final run of the program.

  • If you set the processing options to print in detail, information about the nota fiscal for each record, including the number, series, document ID, and tax type.

    Additionally, the report shows whether each transaction generated a debit or credit journal entry, and the amount of the entry.

  • Errors that occurred during processing.

  • The batch number and batch type (if you set the processing option to run the program in final mode and no errors occurred during processing).

After you correct any errors, you can run the report in final mode to create the journal entries and the batch.