Understanding Tributary Situation Codes

The system enables you to maintain tributary situation codes (códigos de situação tributária), which represent different tax situation codes. The system uses four tributary situation codes:

  • IPI

  • PIS


  • ICMS (tax on the circulation of goods, transportation, and communication services)

The IPI, PIS, and COFINS tributary situation codes are calculated automatically by the Generate Outbound Nota Fiscal program (R76558B) or the Nota Fiscal Receipts program (P4312BR). Although not standard practice, you can modify these values manually.

You can manually specify an IPI tributary situation code in the Transaction Nature - Brazil program (P7615B). If you enter an IPI tributary situation code in the Transaction Nature - Brazil program, the system uses this value instead of the automatically calculated value from the Generate Outbound Nota Fiscal program or the Nota Fiscal Receipts program. You can review and change an IPI tributary situation code for a NFe in the Nota Fiscal Maintenance program (P7610B) and the Stand Alone Nota Fiscal program (P7611B).

You can manually specify PIS, COFINS, and CSLL tributary situation codes in the Purchase Use Tax Setup program (P76B003). You can review and change the PIS, COFINS, and CSLL tributary situation codes in the Nota Fiscal Maintenance program and the Stand Alone Nota Fiscal program.

When you run the Generate Outbound Nota Fiscal program or the Nota Fiscal Receipts program, the system updates the IPI, PIS, COFINS, CSLL and ICMS Tributary Situation Code fields in the Nota Fiscal Detail - Tributary Situations table (F76B012). SEFAZ requires that the system populate the tributary situation codes in the NFe XML file.