Understanding Withholding by Due Date or Invoice Date (Release 9.2 Update)

You can use the Withholding Taxes on Services - Calculation Method program (P76B220) to specify whether to have the system use the invoice date or payment due date when it calculates the withholding for PIS, COFINS, and CSLL. You can set up the preference for using the invoice date or payment due date for both Withholding Method 1 and Withholding Method 2. You might use this setup if you invoice a customer on one nota fiscal for multiple payments, such as installment payments. If you do not set up a record for a company fiscal ID and customer fiscal ID combination, then the system uses the invoice date as the date of the calculations.

See Setting Up the Withholding Calculation Date for the Sale of Services

The system uses the setup when you run the Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B). The Generate Nota Fiscal program writes data for the PIS, COFINS, and CSLL withholding to the Service Nota Fiscal Wh by Formula Installment table (F76B429). The F76B429 table includes by installment the tax type, tax concept, basis amount, tax rate, withholding amount, and calculation date for notas fiscais that have PIS, COFINS, or CSLL withholdings.

After you generate the nota fiscal, you can modify withholding amounts if necessary.

See Working with Notas Fiscais for the Sale of Services.