Understanding Withholding Information in Sales Orders for Services

When you sell services to your customers, you can enter withholding information for the sales order lines for the services. The system uses the withholding concept, service code, and city code that you enter in the sales order when you generate the nota fiscal and calculate the withholding amounts.

You use the SO Brazil Withholding Additional Info program (P76B4210) to enter or modify the withholding information associated with a sales order. If certain conditions exist when you enter a sales order or add lines to an existing sales order, the system launches the forms for the SO Brazil Withholding Additional Info program after you click OK on the S.O. Brazilian Information Detail form. You can also access the forms of the SO Brazil Withholding Additional Info program when you use the Regional Info menu options in the sales order entry process. The system populates the forms in the SO Brazil Withholding Additional Info program with default values that you set up for the withholding concept, service codes, and city code. You can change the values if needed.

This table shows the conditions that must exist to enable you to work with withholding for sales orders for services sold:



The sales order line is for a service.

The system compares the transaction nature code of the sales order line to the Transaction Nature Items (76B/TT) UDC table.

The transaction is between two companies.

The system runs a validation routine to determine if the selling company and the buying company are legal entities that are not government agencies. The system uses the values in the 76B/GE UDC table to determine if a company is a government agency.

The sales order line is at a status that allows modification.

The sales order line cannot be at status 999 (closed). Additionally the processing options on the Edit tab in the Nota Fiscal Maintenance - Brazil program (P7610B) must be set to enable modifications.

When you complete the final save function for the sales order, the system saves the withholding information to the Sales Order Withholding Concept Tag File (F76B423).