Updating the Item Origin and Imported Content Information in Sales Orders

To comply with Brazilian regulations, you must include the correct item origin and imported content information in sales orders and fiscal documents. After a sales order is created, the item origin and imported content information may be updated in the following tables:

  • Tag File F76411 - Item Master (F76B4101)

  • Tag File F76412 - Item Branch (F76B4102)

  • Item Master Regional Information - Brazil (F76411)

  • Item Branch Regional Information - Brazil (F76412)

You can run the R76557B program to update the sales orders with the latest item origin and imported content information. The R76557B program updates the item origin information in the Sales Order Detail Tag File - Brazil (F76422) table, and the imported content form (FCI) and imported content percentage (CI) information in the Tag File F76422 - Sales Order Detail - Brazil (F76B4210) table.