Work Orders / WO Components Program (R76B0582)

Run the Work Orders / WO Components program to generate the information for work orders and work order components that the system writes to the H230 and H235 registers. The information included in these registers is based on the F4801 and F3111 tables. The system includes information for the H230 and H235 registers only for the items that appear in the block 0 records that are stored in the F76B0521 table. If any required information is missing from block 0, the system issues a warning message.

When you run the Work Orders / WO Components program, the system uses the data selection that you set up using fields from the F4801 and F3111 tables. For each work order included in the data selection, the system generates records for the H235 register and accumulates the component item amount for the work orders, and then generates the records for the H230 register.