Writing Automatic Payments to the A/P Payment Tape Table (F04572OW)

The system automatically runs the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program when you run the print process for payment groups. You must set the processing options for the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program before you run the print process for payment groups. The Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program creates the text file and sets the status for the payment group to Update (UPD).

For PIX-enabled payment, the Detail line of the text file created will contain the PIX Key details extracted from the Voucher Additional Information - Brazil – 04 (F76B04BC) Table.

You can also run the Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program from a menu option.

The Create A/P Electronic Bank Diskette - Dynamic Formatter program:

  • Writes records from these tables to the F04572OW table:

    • F0411

    • F04571

    • F04572

    • F04573

  • Creates a report