Understanding the Setup Requirements for the Fixed Asset Ledger Report

Before you can run the Fixed Asset Ledger program (R76P5020), you must set up the information that the system uses to retrieve the fixed asset information using the Fixed Asset Ledger Set up program (P76P502). You use the Fixed Asset Ledger Set up program to specify which amounts to print, according to document type, in the corresponding column, which you identify by assigning a value from the Asset Ledger Column Name (76P/CN) UDC table as the column name. The UDC values are hard-coded to work with the Fixed Asset Ledger program and should not be changed.

You set up the document type and column association information in the Asset Ledger Setup Code (76P/CO) UDC table. You enter the values you set up in the processing options of the Fixed Asset Ledger (R76P5020). The system uses the setup code to retrieve the document types for the corresponding columns by legal company. For example, if you set up the value GENERAL in UDC 76P/CO and use it as the setup code for the Fixed Asset Ledger Setup program, when you run the Fixed Asset Ledger, the system retrieves all the set up information that corresponds to the setup code GENERAL for the legal company specified. You can establish as many setup codes as necessary for the fixed asset document types that you use for each legal company.