Understanding Voids and Deletions

You can delete or void drafts and receipts. When you delete or void a receipt or draft, the system reopens any invoices that the draft paid.

You can delete only when:

  • The drafts are not posted.

  • The draft are at status 4 (Accepted) or 0 (Collected).

    Note: If a draft is at a remittance or collection status, you cannot delete it; you must collect the draft and then void it.

You can void a receipt only when the drafts are at status 4 (Accepted) or 0 (Collected).

Voiding a receipt increases the open amount of the R1 document and changes the invoice payment status of the receipt.

When you void a receipt, you must enter the date to post the void and the reason code for the void.

Note: When you delete a draft on the Draft Entry form, the delete is recorded when you click OK on the Draft Entry form. However, the deletion does not actually take place in the table until you click OK on the Application Draft-Invoices form. If you click Cancel on this form, the delete operation is canceled.