Understanding Z1 Payments

When issuing a foreign payment, German companies are required to submit a paper or electronic form that provides information to the Bundesbank (German Federal Bank) for statistical purposes.

The A/P Payments - Z1 Diskette format (R04572G5) provides a means to create foreign payments and the corresponding electronic form.

Z1 processing produces a specific foreign payment output file with the following records:

  • Q record: Header information.

  • T record: Detail payment information.

  • W record: Detail report information for service transactions or capital movements (to be reported to the Bundesbank).

  • Z record: Trailer information.

    Note: The Z1 output file does not include the V record. You cannot create automatic payments that relate to merchant trade because this information is related to the V record. If a payment is created for such purposes, you must write out the payment manually on a Z1 form.

Z1 processing uses the following tables, in addition to the standard AP payment processing tables, such as F04571, F04572, and F04573:



F74030G (Germany-Bank Transit Number Master Addtl Information)

This table holds additional bank account information for each supplier's bank account. Each address book record can have only one record in the F74030G table.

F7404572 (Detail Payment Instructions for German Payments)

This table holds the same information as the F74030G table, except that it is used to enter or update bank information at the payment control group level.

F7404573 (Detail Payment Instructions EXT. for German Payments)

This table holds the same information as the F7404572 table, except that it is used to enter or update bank information at the pay item level.