
1. Invoice Print Date

Specify the date that the system prints on the invoices. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

2. Customer Bank Account Type

Specify the type of bank account of the ordering customer. The system uses this account type code to retrieve the bank account number of the ordering customer. The code that you enter must exist in the Bank Type Code UDC (00/BT) table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses bank type D.

3. Customer Address Format

Specify the IPI - Address Line Sequencing code (UDC 00/IA). This code determines the combination of the values for the postal code, city, and country that the system includes as the second address line of the ordering customer's address on the IPI. The code that you enter must exist in the IPI - Address Line Sequencing (00/IA) UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 00 (Postal Code City).

4. Beneficiary Bank Account

Specify the beneficiary's G/L bank account number on the IPI. The system uses this account number to locate the corresponding bank account information from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030), including the IBAN and SWIFT bank identification code. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the account associated with AAI item RB.

5. Beneficiary Bank Account Format

Use this processing option to define the beneficiary's bank account format on the IPI. Typically, you use the IBAN from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030). In some cases you can use a national account number (CBNK) from the Bank Transit Master table instead of the IBAN. Values are:

Blank: Use the IBAN as the bank account format.

1: Use the CBNK as the bank account format.

6. Beneficiary Bank Name

Use this processing option to define the beneficiary's bank name on the IPI. The IPI allows you to present the bank name in one of two formats. You can either use the SWIFT Bank Identification Code (BIC), stored as SWFT in the Bank Transit Master table (F0030), or use the name of the bank. Values are:

Blank: Use the BIC code.

1: Use the bank name.

7. Details of Payment

Specify the data that appears in the Details of Payment section on the IPI. You select a hard-coded value from the IPI - Details of Payment UDC table (00/IP). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 00. Values are:

00: Unstructured - DOC. The system writes the value from the DOC field in the Customer Ledger (F03B11) table to the Details of Payment section of the IPI.

01: Unstructured - DOC, DCT, & CO. The system concatenates the values in the DOC, DCT, and CO fields in the F03B11 table and writes the concatenated string to the Details of Payment section of the IPI.

02: Unstructured - DOC & AN8. The system concatenates the values in the DOC and AN8 fields in the F03B11 table and writes the concatenated string to the Details of Payment section of the IPI.

8. Charges Paid By

Specify the entity that is responsible for paying the bank charges associated with the International Payment Instruction (IPI). The value that you enter must exist in the IPI - Charges Paid By UDC table (00/IC). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 0 (Ordering Customer). Values are:

0: Ordering Customer

1: Beneficiary

2: Shared/Both

9. IPI Form Type

Specify the type of preformatted form to use. The value that you enter must exist in the IPI - Form Types UDC table (00/IF). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 03 (Black - Unstructured). Values are:

00: Blind Colour - Structured

01: Blind Colour - Unstructured

02: Black - Structured

03: Black - Unstructured

04: Drop Out - Structured

05: Drop Out - Unstructured

1. Tax Amounts

Specify whether tax amounts appear on the invoices. Values are:

Blank: Tax amounts do not appear on invoices.

1: Tax amounts appear on invoices.

2. Attachments

Specify whether generic text that is associated with the invoice appears on the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not include generic text attachment.

1: Include generic text attachment.

3. Customer Bank Account Number

Specify whether the customer's bank account number appears on the IPI portion of the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the customer's bank account number.

1: Include the customer's bank account number.

4. Customer Name and Address

Specify whether the name and address of the customer appears on the IPI portion of the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the customer's name and address.

1: Include the customer's name and address.

5. Details of Payment

Specify whether the system completes the payment details section on the IPI portion of the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not complete the payment details section.

1: Complete the payment details section. The system prints in the payment details section the data that you specified in the Details of Payment processing option on the Defaults tab.

6. Charges To Be Paid By

Specify whether the system completes the charges to be paid section on the IPI portion of the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not complete the charges to be paid section.

1: Complete the charges to be paid section.

7. IPI Currency and Currency Amounts

Specify whether the currency and amount appear on the IPI portion of the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the currency and amount.

1: Print the currency and amount.

1. Maximum IPI Amount

Specify the maximum amount allowed for an IPI. If the IPI is greater than this amount, the system will not generate an IPI. If you leave this field blank, the system uses 999,999.99 as the maximum IPI amount.