
These processing options let you specify various setting that are used by the bank format program.

1. Company

Specify the company to use to select payments. If you enter a company number, only payments for the company you enter are loaded into the F03B13Z1 table. Only transactions for that company are matched.

If you leave this processing option blank, transactions are matched for all companies in the environment. This option is useful if customers are paying to the wrong company in a group.

2. Document Type

Specify the document type for the invoices to be paid, for example, RI.

3. Payment Instrument

Specify the payment instrument to apply to the payments. This processing option is optional.

4. G/L Bank Account

Specify the short account ID of the default G/L bank account if the short account ID field is blank in the F03B13Z1 table.

A valid short account ID must exist for the system to process records. Enter the short account ID as an eight-digit number starting with zeros. For example, 00000108.

5. Bank File

Specify whether the bank file has already been loaded to the F007101 and F007111 tables. Values are:

Blank: The bank file has already been loaded.

1: The bank file has not been loaded.

If you enter 1, the system loads the bank file to the F007101 and F007111 tables, and then populates the F03B13Z1 table with information from the F007101 and F007111 tables.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system populates the F03B13Z1 table with information already in the F007101 and F007111 tables. Leave this processing option blank only payment information has already been loaded to the F007101 and F007111 tables.

6. Path to the Bank File

Specify the location of the bank file.

If you are running this program on an NT server, enter the path in this format: c:\\bankdata\\bankfile.txt

If you are running this program on a UNIX server, enter the path in this format: c//bankdata//bankfile.txt

If you are running this program on an AS/400 server, enter the path in this format: bankdata/bankfile

7. Receipt Number

Specify how you want to generate receipt numbers. Values are:

Blank: Use Next Numbers to generate the receipt number.

Note: If you leave this processing option blank to use Next Numbers, you must set up Next Numbers for system 74V in the Next Numbers table.

1: Use the invoice number as the receipt number.