Finland-Specific Setup and Processes

This table lists the country-specific setup and functionality for Finland.

Setup or Process


UDCs (user-defined codes)

No Finland-specific UDC tables exist. However, to use Intrastat reporting and International Payment Instructions (IPI):

AAIs (automatic accounting instructions)

No Finland-specific AAIs exist. Set up the standard AAIs.

Next numbers

No Finland-specific next numbering requirements exist. Set up the standard next numbering schemes.

Bank account validation

The system performs bank account validation for Finland.

"Understanding Bank ID and Bank Account Validation" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide


In addition to the standard setup for suppliers, in Finland:

Payment processing

In addition to the standard setup for payment processing, in Finland:

To work with payment processing in Finland:

Bank statement processing

In Finland, you can provide your customers with electronic statements after uploading information from your bank to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

See Uploading Electronic Bank Statements for Finland.

Voucher processing

When processing vouchers in Finland, use the Enhanced Due Date Processing Sweden program (R74W0020) to automatically change the due date of a credit note to the due date of a matching voucher.

See Preparing Vouchers and Credit Notes for Payment Processing in Finland.

Invoice processing

To work with invoices in Finland, set up the business function to calculate Finnish reference numbers.

See Entering Reference Numbers for Finnish Domestic Payments.

In addition to standard invoice processing, you can print invoices with an attached IPI. To print these invoices and attachments:

  • Set up UDCs for IPIs.

  • Set processing options for the invoice print program.

  • Print invoices with attached IPIs.

See "Printing Invoices with an Attached International Payment Instruction" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.

Intrastat and other European Union reporting

See "Setting Up European Union (EU) and SEPA Functionality" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.

See "Using European Union Functionality" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.