Payment Method

The system uses the values in this processing option when no values exist for the payment method in the Supplier Info. Foreign Payment table (F74W001) or the Supplier Info. Foreign Payment table (F0474N3). You populate the F74W001 table when you enter additional bank information in the Supplier Inf. Foreign Payments program (P74W001).

Enter the Payment Method

Enter a code that indicates the type of payment, for example, normal or express payment. Values are:

0: Normal.

1: Express (always bank).

2: Concern (network bank).

Note: (SWE) Value 2 is valid only in Sweden.

M: Payment order.

P: Urgent payment.

Q: SWIFT check.

S: Check forwarded to the customer.

T: Account transfer within the bank.

K: Group payment.

R: Capital payment