Reference Numbers

The standard reference number that is used for payments in Finland is limited to twenty characters, with one character used as a check digit. You must include one or more of these numbers in the reference number:

  • Customer number

  • Invoice number

  • Company number

You use the processing options on the Automatic Receipts Finland program (R74V001) to specify the format of the reference number.

The fields in the reference number are limited to these maximum lengths:

  • Customer number - 8 characters

  • Invoice number - 8 characters

  • Company number - 3 characters

The system provides a business function that you can use to calculate Finnish reference numbers. For example, you might launch this business function when you want to print reference numbers on the invoices that you create in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.

Note: Implementing the reference number functionality requires customization.