Setting Up Additional Bank Information for Foreign Suppliers

Access the Revise Supplier Info. Foreign form.

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the supplier.

Account flag

Enter the type of bank account to be used for payments, for example, checking or currency account. Values are:

0: SEK account (Sweden), NOK account (Norway), DKK account (Denmark), or EUR/FIM account (Finland)

1: Currency account

Fee code

Enter a code that indicates who is going to pay the bank fees.

Values are:

J: Foreign bank's service charges are shared by the remitter and beneficiary.

T: Remitter pays the foreign bank's service charges.

V: Foreign bank's service charges are deducted from the payment.

Payment Method

Enter a code that indicates the type of payment, for example, normal or express payment. Values are:

0: Normal.

1: Express (always bank).

M: Payment order.

P: Urgent payment.

Q: SWIFT check.

S: Check forwarded to the customer.

T: Account transfer within the bank.

K: Group payment.

R: Capital payment

Supplier Number

The system displays a unique seven-digit number that the bank uses to identify the supplier. The system generates this number automatically for existing records.