Considerations for Create A/P Bank Tape - France (R04572F1)

The Create A/P Bank Tape - France format for domestic payment transfers consists of a fixed length record that includes 160 characters. The information included in the EFT table includes:

  • Header record (03): Information about the company that is ordering the payment.

  • Detail record (06: Information about the suppliers who are to receive the payment and about the payment amount.

    The EFT table can include as many detail records as there are payments in the payment group.

  • Total record (08): Total amount of the transfer.

The Create A/P Bank Tape - France program also includes the sender's bank identification number on the header, detail, and total records, as required by the Bank of France. You can specify this identification number in the processing options for the generation program or enter the number in the Bank User Number field (BACS) on the Revise BACS Information form of the G/L Bank Accounts program (P0030G).