
1. Enter Related Invoices

Enter 1 to enable the entry of related invoices on the Invoices Related to Sales Order form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays the Invoices Related to Sales Order form when you select Regional Info from the Form menu on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form. However, the system does not allow you to save information entered on the Invoices Related to Sales Order form and the OK button is disabled.

2. Force to enter Related Invoices

Enter 1 to require that a related invoice be entered. If this processing option is set to 1 and you do not enter a related invoice on the Invoices Related to Sales Order form, the system issues an error message.

3. Allow different Address Number

Enter 1 to enable the entry of an invoice that is for a different address book number than the credit note to which you associate the invoice. If you enter 1 for this processing option and attempt to associate an invoice for a different address book number, the system displays an error message.

4. Allow different Company

Enter 1 to enable the entry of an invoice that is for a different company than the credit note to which you associate the invoice. If you leave this processing option blank and attempt to enter a different company, the system displays an error message.