
1. French Chart of Account. Enter one of the following values to indicate where the French Chart of Account is defined.

Specify whether the system displays account numbers from an alternate chart of accounts on the TXT file. Enter the number of the category code that contains the alternate chart of accounts. To use default account numbers, leave this processing option blank. If you leave this processing option blank to use default account numbers, you can specify a model business unit that contains the account descriptions you want to appear on the TXT file. If you are using an alternate chart of accounts, the system uses the account descriptions from the category code table. Values are:

1: Business Unit.Object.Subsidiary

21: Category code 21

22: Category code 22

23: Category code 23

2. Address Number Description to use in field Third Party Account Name (Comp Aux Lib)

Specify whether to display the third party account name in the Comp Aux Lib field on the TXT file based on the Alpha Name or the Mailing Name.

Leave this field blank to display the Alpha Name from the Address Book Master table (F0101).

1: Display Mailing Name from the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111).

3. Extraction Mode

Specify whether you want to run the report after running the FEC Sequential Number Generation Process program or without running it.

Leave this field blank to generate the TXT file with accounting entries ordered in chronological and sequential numbering after you have run the FEC Sequential Number Generation Process.

1: Run the report by document number and document type. With this option, there can be gaps in the numbering of documents. The system orders the documents by batch type and does not generate sequential number. In the TXT file, the Reference Number is defined by DOC and DCT.

4. Opening Balance Ledger Type (LT) in the case Extractor Mode is by Document Number and Document Type

Specify a value from UDC table 09/LT to enter a ledger type for opening balance. You must enter a value different from AA. You must create the opening balances in a separate ledger and document types in order to assign the first number for FEC.

5. Opening Balance Document Type (DCT) in the case Extractor Mode is by Document Number and Document Type

Specify a value from UDC table 00/DT to enter a document type for opening balance. You must create the opening balances in a separate ledger and document types in order to assign the first number for FEC.