
Use these processing options to specify the mode in which to run this program, how to summarize information, and the dates, document types, and ledger types to use.

1. Process mode

Specify the mode in which to run this program. Values are:

Blank: Run the program in preliminary mode.

You should run the program in preliminary mode before running it in final mode. If the system finds an error, you will see an error message on the preliminary report. You should correct errors that appear on the report and rerun the program in preliminary mode.

Running this program in preliminary mode does not create journal entries or update any tables. You can run this program in preliminary mode as many times as required.

1: Run the program in final mode.

When you run this program in final mode, the system posts accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense journal entries to the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202) and creates journal entries in the Account Ledger table (F0911). The system also submits the depreciation journal entries to the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) based on the version that you specify in the G/L Post (R09801) processing option.

Note: This processing option retains the value previously specified. For example, if you ran this program in final mode the last time you used it, the program will run in final mode again unless you change the value of this processing option.
2. Fiscal Year

Specify the fiscal year for the period specified in the Period Number processing option. Enter a four-digit fiscal year in this field. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date pattern established for the default company 00000.

3. Period Number

Specify the current accounting period for the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current period of the default company 00000.

4. Date - For G/L Journal Entry

Specify the date that the system uses as the GL date for journal entries.

5. Document Type to use for entry

Specify the document type that the system uses to create journal entries for this report. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses document type JE.

6. Ledger Type to use for Straight-line Ledger

Specify the ledger type that is associated with the French Straight Line ledger. You associate a ledger type with the ledger by using the Depreciation Default Coding program (P12002). If you leave this processing option blank, the system assumes that the ledger type is AA.

7. Ledger Type to use for Declining Balance Ledger

Specify the ledger type that is associated with the French Declining Balance ledger. You associate a ledger type with the ledger by using the Depreciation Default Coding program (P12002).

8. Summarize Transactions

Specify whether the system summarizes accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense account information. Values are:

Blank: The system does not summarize account information.

1: The system summarizes account information.

Note: If you summarize the accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense account information, the system does not record transaction detail by asset number. In the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202), the system uses the transaction detail information from the transactions in the Account Ledger table (F0911). Consequently, if you summarize account information, you will not be able to use the Fixed Asset Repost program (R12910).