String Data

The information that you enter in this tab is a set of alpha-numeric characters.

Code Service Executant

Specify the Service Executant code to identify the office entity belonging to the administration. The value must correspond to the code in the French Public Administration Index book.

Supplier Identification Type

Specify the identification type of the supplier.

Select the appropriate value from the Supplier Identification Type UDC table (74F/IT) that categorizes the identification types of the supplier. The value must correspond to the value in the Additional Tax ID for that Address Number.

Payment Means Code

Specify the mode of payment.

Select the appropriate code from the Payment Means Code UDC table (74F/PC) that lists the codes defined by the Northern European Subset (NES) Group.

The default value for this field is 30, which stands for Credit Transfer.

Company Registration Number

Specify the sender's Commerce Law Registration number (RCS) in France.