Tape Header

1. Sender's SIRET

Enter the issuing SIRET (système informatique pour le répertoire des établissements) number to print in the header record. In France, the SIRET number is the unique registration number of a company in the chamber of commerce. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value in the Additional Individual Tax ID field (TX2) from the Address Book Master table (F0101).

2. Payment Reference (Required)

Enter the value to populate the Payment Reference field in the header record. This field is manually populated and is mandatory.

3. Debit Account ID Type (Future)

This processing option is not used.

Specify the ID Type segment of the Debit Account field in the header record. Values are:

0: Other (default)



4. Customer ID

Specify a value for the Customer ID segment in the header record. You determine the code in accordance with the bank. This is an optional field in the header record.

5. Debit for Bank Fees Account ID Type (Future)

This processing option is not used.

Specify a value for the ID Type segment of the header record for the account to be debited for bank fees. Values are:

0: Other (Default value)



6. Debit for Bank Fees Account

Specify the account to be debited for bank fees that the system writes to the ID segment of the header record. Generally, you enter the IBAN number. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the general ledger bank account.

7. Currency Code of Bank Fee Account

Specify the currency code that the system writes to the Currency Code of the Account to be Debited for Bank Fees field in the header record. The value that you enter must exist in the Currency Codes table (F0013). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the general ledger bank account.

8. ID Payment Debit Type (Required)

Specify a value to populate the ID Payment Debit Type field in the Header record. Values are:

1: One debit for the entire payment group.

2: One debit for each payment.

3: One debit for each currency code.

9. Payment Type ID

Specify a value for the ID Payment Type segment in the header record. Values are:

1: Process payments using a single execution date and single currency.

2: Process payments using a single execution date and multicurrency.

3: Process payments using multiple execution dates and single currency.

4: Process payments using multiple execution dates and multicurrency (default value).

If you enter 1,2, or 3, the system stores the execution date or currency in the header record. If you enter 4, the system stores the execution date or currency in each detail record.

10. Preferred Processing Date

Specify the value for the Preferred Processing Date segment in the header record. The system uses the value you enter when the Payment Type ID segment of the header record has a value of 1 or 2. If the Payment Type ID segment has a value other than 1 or 2, the system date is used.