Understanding Localizations Additional Information for France

Localization Additional Information is a tag-table methodology that captures and stores country-specific information. The system uses this information for different purposes.

Before you start working with Localization Additional Information, you must run the Additional Info Setup program (R7000100) to generate the required tables that store the additional data.

This setup generates the forms where you enter the information that is saved to the Localization Additional Fields tables.

You can access the Localization Additional Information form from the Regional Info row menu option from the specific programs. This form can be accessed when additional data is required at the time of setting your user profile country preference to FR (France).

When you run the Additional Information Setup program, the system also generates all the additional fields required in the appropriate Regional Info forms. The forms for Localization Additional Information, group the pre-defined data fields into the following tabs, according to the type of data that you enter:

  • String Data: Enter alpha-numeric characters value in the pre-defined fields listed in this tab.

  • Numeric Data: Enter numeric characters value in the pre-defined fields listed in this tab.

  • Date: Enter dates in the pre-defined fields listed in this tab.

  • Character: Enter single character value in the pre-defined fields listed in this tab.

For France, the tables that the Additional Info Setup program (R7000100) generates to work with additional information are:

  • Base Object / Tag Table Definition (F7000120)

  • Header Localization Additional Data (F7000100)

  • Detail Localization Additional Data (F7000110)

  • Localizations Additional Fields AB - 01 (F7001100)

  • Localizations Additional Fields Tax Area - 04 (F704008)

  • Localizations Additional Fields Item Master - 01 (F704101A)

  • Localizations Additional Fields Customer Ledger - 01 (F7003B11)

  • Localizations Additional Fields Sales Order - 01 (F704201)

Every time you run the Additional Information Setup program, the system regenerates the tables required to work with the solution. You do not need to run this program multiple times but if you do, the existing data that you entered and that is saved in the Additional Information tables, is not affected.