Entering Price Adjustment Details

Access the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions form.

Factor Value Numeric

Enter a number that represents the tax percentage or amount. The Factor Value Numeric field works in conjunction with the Basis Code field and the Formula Name field for tax on tax adjustments.

BC (basis code)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 40/BC to specify how the system uses the factor value to calculate the tax adjustment. The Basis Code field works in conjunction with the Factor Value Numeric field. Values are:

1: Percent of Base Price

2:Percent of Current Net Price

3: Percent of Cost

4: Cost Plus Amount

5: Add on Amount

6: Add on Variable Amount

7: Add on Formula Amount

8: Add on User Program Amount

9: Gross Profit Margin

The Basis Code field works in conjunction with the Factor Value Numeric field.

For tax on tax adjustments, enter 7 to indicate that you use a formula to calculate the adjustment, and then specify the name of the formula in the Formula Name field.

For excise tax from purchase orders, enter 8 to indicate that you use a third party program amount to transfer the landed cost amount. This applies to dealer processing and functionality only.

Formula Name

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 40/FM to specify the formula that the system uses to calculate the tax amount. The formula name should equal the tax rule name.

For tax on tax adjustments, you define the based-on tax on the Price Formula Revisions form.

Object Library

Enter a valid tax rule name. You define tax rules in the Tax Rules Setup program (P75I072). The system uses tax rules to calculate the tax amount. The system displays this field only when you enter 8 in the Basis Code field. For excise tax from purchase orders, enter DEALER75I to indicate that the system transfers the taxes applied during purchases (for the landed cost associated with the purchase order) to the sales order adjustments.