Report Display

1. Enter a '1' to print the Exchange Rate.

Enter 1 to print the exchange rate on the purchase order.

2. Enter the Global Print Message to print on each order.

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 40/PM to print a message on the purchase order.

3. Enter a '1' to print Purchase Order Note.

Enter 1 to print the purchase order in the India-specific format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the purchase order in the standard format.

4. Enter a '1' to suppress the report title and company name from printing.

Enter 1 to suppress the printing of the report title and company name.

5. Enter a '1' to print the Purchasing Agent on the Purchase Order.

Enter 1 to print the name of the purchasing agent on the purchase order.

6. Enter a '1' to exclude Tax Registration Details and Tax Components from Landed Cost (leave blanks to print them)

Enter 1 to suppress the printing of the tax registration details and the tax components from the landed cost setup.