
Use these processing options to show amounts in a currency other than the currency in which the amounts are stored on the system.

1. As-If Currency

Specify whether to show amounts in a currency other than the currency in which the amounts are stored on the system. The system translates and shows domestic amounts in this As-If currency. For example, an amount in FRF can appear as-if it is in EUR.

Enter the code for As-If currency or leave this processing option blank if you do not want to show amounts in an alternate currency.

Note: This processing option allows you to view amounts in a different currency as a hypothetical scenario only. The amounts that appear in the different currency are not saved to the system.
2. As-Of Date

Specify an As-Of date if you enter a currency code for the As-If Currency processing option. This option processes the exchange rate as of the date you specify.

Enter the As-Of date, or leave this processing option blank to use the system date.

Note: A valid exchange rate must exist in the exchange rate table between the two currencies based on the As-Of date.