
Note: The system uses the header values that you enter as the default values in all the tables.
1. Declarant Company

Enter the code that identifies the company that is declaring the Intrastat. The company code must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet.

The declarant company code must be specified to generate the internal declaration number.

2. Custom Office Number

Enter the number that identifies the custom office where you present the Intrastat declaration.

3. Periodicity

Enter the frequency of presenting the Intrastat declaration to the government. Valid values are:

M: Monthly.

T: Quarterly.

Reporting Period

Enter the month or period number for which you are presenting the Intrastat declaration. When the periodicity of the Intrastat declaration is by month, the period number can range from 1 to 12. When the periodicity of the Intrastat declaration is by quarter, the period number can range from 1 to 4.

Reporting Year

Enter the year for which you are reporting the Intrastat declaration.