Linking Register Types, Classes, and Document Types

Access the Class/Register Type Revision form.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets.

IVA Rate

Enter a code that identifies a tax or geographic area that has common tax rates and tax authorities. The system validates the code you enter against the F4008. The system uses the tax rate/area in conjunction with the tax explanation code and tax rules to calculate tax and GL distribution amounts when you create an invoice or voucher.

Registration Class

Enter a code that represents the class of VAT register. You define the valid codes for VAT register classes in the VAT Register Class UDC table (74/01). For example, you might set up a register class for purchases and one for sales.

You link document types, tax rates, register types, and register classes on the Register Type and Class Setup form to meet the reporting requirements. Then, you can run the Summary VAT Report (P74093) to print the VAT information based the register classes and types you link to various document types.

You can group and classify transactions for reporting purposes by defining register classes and types in conjunction. For example, you might set up register types and classes as:

Register Class: Sales.

Register Type A: VAT on Sales, Italy rate 19 percent.

Register Type B: VAT on Sales, out of EU, not subject to VAT (art. 8/A).

Register Type

Enter a code that represents the type of VAT register. You define the valid codes for VAT register types in the VAT Register Type UDC table (74/02). For example, you might set up a register type for transactions that are eligible for VAT and another for transactions that are not eligible for VAT.

You link document types, tax rates, register types and register classes on the Register Type and Class Setup form to meet the reporting requirements. Then, you can run the Summary VAT Report (P74093) to print the VAT information based the register classes and types you link to various document types.

You can group and classify transactions for reporting purposes by defining register classes and types in conjunction. For example, you might set up register types and classes as:

Register Class: Sales.

Register Type A: VAT on Sales, Italy rate 19 percent.

Register Type B: VAT on Sales, out of EU, not subject to VAT (art. 8/A).