
1. Account Category Code

Use this processing option to include account numbers from an alternate chart of accounts. Specify the category code that contains the alternate chart of accounts. Values are:

R021: Category code 21.

R022: Category code 22.

R023: Category code 23.

2. Accounts with Zero Balances

Specify whether to include accounts with zero balances. Values are:

Blank: Include accounts with zero balances.

1: Do not include accounts with zero balances.

3. Class Total Level

Specify how the system should classify accounts for purposes of sub-totaling. The report classifies accounts by account number.

Enter a number that corresponds to the number of account number digits you want to use to classify accounts. You can classify by one, two, three, or four digits of the account number. The report includes a class total for each classification. Values are:

1: Classify by the first digit of the account number.

2: Classify by the first two digits of the account number.

3: Classify by the first three digits of the account number.

4: Classify by all four digits of the account number.

If you leave this processing option blank, the report will not include any class totals.

You can use this processing option in conjunction with the Last Balance Sheet Account processing option to include subtotals for balance sheet and profit-and-loss accounts. If you do not specify a Class Total Level, the report will not include subtotals for balance sheet and profit-and-loss accounts.

For example, if you classify accounts by two digits, the report will include a class total for accounts 1000 through 1099, and another class total for accounts 1100 through 1199, and so on. If you classify accounts by three digits, the report will include a class total for accounts 1100 through 1110, and another class total for accounts 1111 through 1119, and so on. If you classify accounts by all four digits, each object account will have its own class total; subsidiary accounts to a single object will be included in the class total.

The system includes class totals at the level you specify and at lower levels.

For example, if you classify accounts by two digits, the report will include a class total for accounts 1000 through 1999 in addition to the class totals for accounts 1000 through 1099, 1100 through 1199, and so on.

4. Last Balance Sheet Account

Specify where the balance sheet accounts end and the profit and loss accounts begin in the alternate chart of accounts.

This processing option works in conjunction with the Class Total Level processing option. The system ends the balance sheet accounts and begins the profit and loss accounts at the end of the class that contains the account number you specify. For example, if you specify account number 622000 with Class Total Level 1, the system ends the balance sheet accounts with class 6 (the first digit of 622000). If you specify account number 622000 with Class Total Level 2, the system ends the balance sheet accounts with class 62 (the first two digits of 622000).

If you do not specify a Class Total Level the report will not include subtotals for balance sheet and profit-and-loss accounts.