
1. Beginning Sequence Number of tape (Optional)

Specify the beginning sequence number of the RID (Rapporti Interbancari Diretti) (Direct Inter-Bank Relationship) tape file. You are not required to enter a value in this processing option.

2. Remittance Date

Specify the remittance date of the RID tape file.

3. Search Type Code

Specify the search type that identifies the payor as a bank. If the Address Book Search Type of the payor matches this code, the payor is a bank.

4. RID Type

Specify the type of RID tape format being created. Values are:

Blank: Commercial RID

1: Users RID

2: Speed RID

5. Client Address Line Number

Specify the address line number in the address book record that contains the street address of the debtor for Record 40. Values are:

Blank: Address line 1

1: Address line 1

2: Address line 2

3: Address line 3

4: Address line 4