Understanding Default Values for Additional Services Information

You can use either the Intrastat Additional Info for Services Tax Areas program (P74Y008) or the Supplier Master Additional Information - Italy program (P0401IT) to set up default values for the service explanation code and method of supply. These programs enable you to define default service explanation codes and method of supply values for each line of the service transactions that will be included in the Intrastat report. The Intrastat Services Declarations - First Step program (R74Y018) populates a table associating the service explanation and method of supply codes with the transaction lines. You can use both programs to maintain some information at a tax rate area level and some at address book level. The Italy Intrastat Services Declarations report will first look for the information that you set up at the tax rate area level, and if there is no value, it will use the information set up at address book level.

You use the Intrastat Additional Info for Services Tax Areas program to associate the service explanation code and method of supply with a tax rate/area. You use the Supplier Master Additional Information - Italy program (P0401IT) to associate the service explanation code and method of supply with suppliers and customers.