
1. Mode

Specify the mode in which the system runs the program. Values are:

0 or blank: Proof mode. The system produces a report, but does not update tables.

1: Final mode. The system updates the F1202 table with the changes to the depreciation method, computation method, depreciation life month, and initial term apportionment code. The system also indicates in the category code that you specify in the Category Code to Update processing option that the record was processed.

2. Year

Specify the year for which the system selects assets to process. You must enter the current year.

3. Target Ledger Type

Specify the ledger type that the system updates with the new depreciation method. You must complete this processing option.

4. Threshold % (threshold percentage)

Specify the upper limit percentage that the system uses to compare the depreciation asset balance to the acquisition cost. For example, to select assets that have depreciated to an amount that is 90 percent or more of the acquisition cost, enter 10 in this processing option.

The system uses the value in this processing option as one of the criteria to select asset records to process.

5. Category Code to Update

Specify the fixed asset category code that the system updates to show that the asset was processed. Assets for which the category code shows that the asset was previously processed are not again selected for processing. You must set up the category code that you specify with values of "blank" and Y.

Values for this processing option are:

11: Category code 11 (UDC 12/F1)

12: Category code 12 (UDC 12/F2)

13: Category code 13 (UDC 12/F3)

14: Category code 14 (UDC 12/F4)

15: Category code 15 (UDC 12/F5)

16: Category code 16 (UDC 12/F6)

17: Category code 17 (UDC 12/F7)

18: Category code 18 (UDC 12/F8)

19: Category code 19 (UDC 12/F9)

20: Category code 20 (UDC 12/F0)

6. Code for Life Month Table

Enter a value that exists in the Life Month Group Code (75J/GC) UDC table to specify the life month group from which the system reads the associations between the existing life month and the life month to which you convert the asset.