Understanding Supplier Information for Japan

In Japan, in addition to the standard supplier information, you must set up information that is required to process drafts and bank transfers. This additional information includes:

  • Payee address number

  • Bank transfer type

  • Payment term

  • Withholding tax category

  • Draft ratio


Stored Information

Supplier Master (F0401)

Includes supplier information.

Address by Date (F0116)

Includes mailing address information.

Bank Transit Master (F0030)

Includes bank account information.

Japanese A/B Tag Table (F750401)

Includes additional address book information that is maintained by the country server for Japan.

You can access the additional information for a supplier from the Supplier Master Information form when you add a new supplier to the system or change the information for an existing supplier.

Note: (Release 9.2 Update) While setting up the address book record of the supplier for Japan, you must set up the My Number assigned by the government in the Tax ID field. The system prints this number in the My Number column of the Withholding Tax Detail report (R7500100).