Journal Entry

Journal Entry Document Type

Specify a value from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies purpose of the transaction. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns the default value of JK that indicates the purpose of the transaction to redistribute payments.

Enter an Account to redistribute the VAT difference

Specify the account to which to redistribute the VAT difference. If you leave this processing option blank, the system searches for the account in AAIs based on the value given in the Enter the prefix that defines the Automatic Accounting Instruction processing option.

Enter the prefix that defines the Automatic Accounting Instruction.

Specify the prefix for the AAI from which to retrieve the VAT account to redistribute the VAT amount. The system concludes the VAT account by prefixing this value to GLC tax area for the specific company. If you leave it blank, the system uses the default value of PI. For a blank value in this processing option, the system considers the final VAT account to be PI+GLC Tax Area. For GLC Tax Area MEX, the system considers the account to be PIMEX.