
1. Start Period

Enter the "valid from" period for the Chart of Accounts that you are generating.

Values are:

01: January

02: February

03: March

04: April

05: May

06: June

07: July

08: August

09: September

10: October

11: November

12: December

13: Adjustments for final balance

2. Start Year

Enter the "valid from" year for the Chart of Accounts that you are generating. The four-digit number must be a value higher than 2014.

3. Account Category Code (21-43)

Specify the Category Code that the system uses when reporting the Grouping Code. The system uses this code to reclassify the Chart of Accounts records.

4. Account Reporting Level (1...7)

Enter the number of account grouping levels that the system displays for reporting purposes. Valid values are 1 through 7; 1 being the highest summarization possible and 7 is the lowest.

See Level of Detail.

5. Replace Pre-Defined Characters Using UDC 70/RC

Specify if the system automatically replaces the special characters listed in the W3C Std Replaced Character UDC table (70/RC) according to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Standards.

Blank: The system replaces the special characters.

1: The system does not replace special characters.