Print Invoices

Specify whether the system automatically prints invoices after assigning legal numbers to print batches. Values are:

Blank: The system does not automatically print invoices.

1: The system automatically prints invoices after assigning legal numbers.

Error Processing

Enter 1 to prevent invoices from being printed if errors are issued during the legal numbering process.

Emission Serial Processing

Enter 1 to allow the creation of print batches for invoices that have different emission serial numbers.

Lot - Printing Number

Displays the number that the system assigns as the batch number to the legal document print batch.

Legal Company

Enter the legal company for which you want to create legal document print batches.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type for which you want to create legal document print batches.

Emission Serial

Enter the emission serial number.

Doc Co (document company), Do Ty (document type), and Document Number

Enter the invoice information for which you want to create a legal document print batch. If you do not know the invoice information, follow the steps to select invoices and display the invoice information in these fields.

Current Leg. Number (current legal number) and Last Leg. Number (last legal number)

Displays the legal number assigned to invoices as well as a prior legal number if the invoice legal number was renumbered.