Entering Additional Information for Vouchers for Peru

Access the Voucher Additional Information - Revision form.

Original Document Number

The Original Document Number is a combination of the document type, original document number, and original document company.

In the first segment of the processing option, enter the Document Type from the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table.

In the second segment, enter the document number from the document for which the voucher is entered. For example, you might enter the original invoice number.

In the third segment, enter the company number from the F0010 table that represents the company that issued the document whose number you entered in the second segment.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type for the voucher. The value that you enter must exist in the Legal Document Type - CHI - 00 (F76H005) table.

Registered for Taxes

The system displays the value that exists for the supplier in the supplier's address book record. You cannot change this value in the Voucher Additional Information - Revision form.

IGV Withholding Concept

The system displays the value that exists for the supplier in the supplier's address book record. You can change this value by entering a value that exists in the IGV Withholding Concept (76P/01) UDC table.

SPOT Concept

The system displays the value that exists for the supplier in the supplier's address book record. You can change this value by entering a value that exists in the SPOT Concept (76P/02) UDC table. the value that you enter determines how the system calculates the tax amount due.