Entering Withholding Percentages

Access the IGV Withholding Percentage Revisions form.

IGV Withholding Concept

Enter the code that identifies the type of IGV withholding. The code that you enter must exist in the IGV Withholding Concept (76P/01) UDC table.

Withholding Percentage

Enter the percentage that specifies the withholding percentage on taxes. The maximum valid amount is 999,99.

WH Minimum Amount

Enter the minimum taxable amount to generate the withholding. If the total payment taxable amount is less than the amount specified in this field, the withholding is not applied.

Amnt Type (amount type)

Enter the code that identifies the basis of the minimum amount. For example, you can specify that the system uses the gross amount of the voucher or the taxable amount of the voucher when determining if the voucher amount meets the withholding minimum amount requirement. The code that you enter must exist in the Amount Type to Use (76P/AT) UDC table.