
Father's Last Name and Mother's Last Name

Specify a UDC (01/W0) value used to search for the Father's Last Name or the Mother's Last Name of the supplier in the Who's Who File. It is only applicable when individuals are reported.

Vendor First Name and Vendor Second Name

Specify a UDC (01/W0) value used to search for the supplier's First Name or the suppliers Second Name in the Who's Who File. It is only applicable when individuals are reported.


Enter 1 to print the report in final mode. In final mode, the documents are reported as processed in the F76P411T file.

Minimal Amount

Specify the amount to be compared with the total amount of the operations for each supplier. Only those exceeding the minimum amount are reported.


Specify whether to print a list of processed documents. Values are:

Blank: Print a summary.

1: Print details.


Enter 1 to record the transactions in the PDT Purchases (F76P420) table that are replaced with new data. If you leave this processing option blank, the system adds the new processed records to the existing ones.