Legal Invoice Number Verification

When you enter the legal invoice number, you enter the number in two segments separated by a hyphen. You can enter up to four numerical characters preceding the hyphen to represent the issuing center, and can enter up to seven characters after the hyphen. If the number of characters after the hyphen is less than seven, the system adds zeros to the left of the characters entered to create a total of seven characters after the hyphen. For example, if you enter 002-10, the system stores the legal invoice number as 002-0000010.

When you enable legal number verification by setting the processing option in the Peruvian Add Vouchers Set Up program to validate the number, the system issues an error message if the number entered does not contain 3 or 4 characters in the first segment, or if you enter more than seven characters in the second segment.

You must set up matching versions of the Peruvian Add Vouchers Set Up program and the Standard Voucher Entry (P0411) program to validate the legal invoice number.