
1. Cost Center

Specify how to display cost centers. Values are:

Blank: Display detail by cost center.

1: Display all of the cost centers for a legal company and display summary information for the object and subsidiary account.

2. Level of Detail

Specify the level of detail. The system summarizes all general ledger balances by the account level of detail specified. Values are 39. The default value is 9.

3. Legal Company

Specify the company number in which to retrieve general ledger balances.

4. Process Method

Specify the process method. Values are:

Blank: Display asset and liabilities according to the operation sign. Asset accounts appear with a positive sign in the Asset column and liabilities appear with a negative sign in the Liability column.

A: Display asset accounts in the Asset column and liability accounts in the Liability column according to AAI items GLG2 (Beginning Assets) and GLG3 (Beginning Liabilities).

5. Business Unit

Specify the business unit in which to display object and subsidiary accounts.

6. Ledger Type

Specify the ledger type code from UDC table 76H/XX. The system uses LL (ledger types to process) as the default value.

7. Category Code

Specify the category code from UDC table 09/21–09/23 in which to group the GL accounts. The system displays the category code description instead of the GL account.

If you leave this processing option blank, balances are grouped and displayed by object and subsidiary account.